Saturday, December 26, 2009

Holiday Wishes

Photos by me

I Hope every one had a simply marvelous Christmas!

I'm leaving tommorrow - very early in the morning.
I'm off to New Zealand, to visit the land of storybooks.
Hopefully it will all come to life for me like i've always imagined it would.

I hope everyone has a lovely holiday - winter or summer or where-ever you are.

Lady-Bird Kisses,

Thursday, December 17, 2009

"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle"
- Plato.

I'll be back when my heart is in it. Which i think, my dears, shall be very soon. Summer has caught me in the trap of an idle and wandering mind, and although this is lovely, it cannot go on for too long. The idleness, I think, will leave very soon, I've had my time to be idle. But i shall continue to wander.

Lady-Bird Kisses,